Monday, February 27, 2017

Another One with my Bleu

February 27th, 2017


The repertoire came out this last week and it turns out me and Langley are doing another transfer together. This upcoming transfer will most likely be my last one here in Saint-Omer so we must take advantage.

We were not able to see many of our amis this week because it's week of school vacation for the youngsters, we were however, able to see our less active, Gwen, and she's doing great. She's so passionate about her beliefs and truly loves the gospel. She's reading the Book of Mormon and loves everything that she reads and sees how it applies to her life, something cool she said during our rendezvous was, "Chacun pour soi, mais Dieu pour tous." Which means, "Every one for himself, but God for all." I thought it was well said. We feel great about her progression and know she's on the right path. 

We were able to see our catholic friend, Stephanette, she's super closed, but she likes discussing with us, so we understand that it'll take a bit of time to get her progressing, so we'll see what happens with her. 

We did many a finding and found some new people to teach, one of them being this cool Brazilian chic we found in Hazebrouck, everyone knows Brazilians are awesome so we're really excited about working with her and her família. 

We went porting one afternoon, and this old man opens the door and tells us that God doesn't rule the universe, but planets do, and miracles happen because of the planets. He told us that we were both rich because we had nice coats on. And he said it's not good to do volunteer work for a church. People these days.

Not much else to say, so hasta luego!

Elder Aburto