March 13th, 2017
Another week gone. This week has
been a little different from the others I guess mostly because we had District
Meeting, Interviews, Zone Conference, and Exchanges. So it was a little
all over the place, but we know it was all for our benefit and now this week
we'll have a lot of time in our sector to get more work done.
A cool note about zone Conference
was in President and Sœur Babin's formation they did together, what they did
was they did a little practice teach using a Slide Presentation on the tablets.
It was very nicely done. It seems like a very useful teaching tool and we'll probably
try it out one of these days.
We did see some progress in our
ami, Annie, though. She's feeling more and more desire to do things and
yesterday she came to church! She stayed for all three hours, partially because
our member made her stay for the whole time, but she really enjoyed it and
wants to come back next week. She said she likes our church but she likes her
Catholic Church as well and she doesn't know what to do. We're hopefully going to
help her figure it all out. She's had some pretty hard times in her life and we
know this is the best place for her.
On our exchange in Calais, we were
just walking down the rode when this dude walked up to us and started talking
to us about his faith. Apparently, he's met with missionaries before and lost
contact with them and really wants to learn more. He's super cool! It was a
nice little tender mercy.
Just remember, don't let up and
never act like it's over and done with before the whistle blows. First there's
what the Falcons did in the super bowl, and then what Paris Saint-Germain did
last week. What a disgrace. Go Barça.
Have a nice week,