Monday, May 8, 2017


May 8th, 2017

Bonjour à tous,

It's great to write again after last Monday. It was once again another great week in the mission field.

This week we had wonderful exchanges in Rennes wth Elders Dame and Conley. It's always so nice to go around and get to know new villes in France. Rennes is really nice and we were able to get good things done while there. 

We had Zone Conference and Interviews in Rennes this week as well. President hit it out of the park again. He spoke about consecration and how we can do more even when we think we can't give more. Looking inside ourselves, we can all see where we can give more. This transfer is special because the last day of the transfer is the dedication of the temple, and for such we in turn will consecrate ourselves as a thanks to Heavenly Father for the temple. 

Interviews were great as usual with President especially. I told him it's going to be hard to see them leave, but he reassured that having an American Mission president will be very beneficial in many ways. Sœur Babin just told me how much she expects of me and that I need to do better. Man, she's just impossible to please...

But honestly, it's been so great to have them. 

We had a great lesson with our amis, Leslie and Alan. We weren't able to see them for a while because they were sick, but now they're feeling better and we went over the Restoration through Joseph Smith. They came to stake conference yesterday and enjoyed it. They're doing really well.

Election Day was yesterday as well, and as it turns out, Macron won. It looks good for the future of France and I hope he'll do a good job.

I'm so glad Mami did so well in her talk in BYU Women's Conference. I know you're going to do great things and touch the hearts of a lot of people. Out here I'm just in contact with the people in my area. But you'll be able to help more than just the people in the ward, but the whole earth.

Today we just found out that Elder Neil L. Andersen and Paul V. Johnson are coming to speak to us on the 22 of May. I'll tell y'all how it goes.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”

Have a blessed week.

Avec amour,

Elder Aburto